I am still working on the dishcloths. I recently finished one intended for my boyfriends mother. She loves lighthouses, so I searched Ravelry for a lighthouse dishcloth pattern, and lo and behold, I found one. God, I love Ravelry! The pattern was designed by Rhonda White. It and tons of other free dishcloth patterns can be found at Knitting Knonsense.

That other project is a scarf for my boyfriend, Jon. I was talking about his mom's dishcloth and he said he would like a scarf. I had some yarn I got from a fellow member of the River Cities Fiber Guild in blue/purple variegated. It is plain garter stitch, because after that 2x2 rib scarf for Char, I think anymore ribbing would drive me a bit nuts (more than I already am that is).

Also, here is Kara's scarf:

Ooh, I just remembered. The local Lions Club is holding a Arts and Crafts fair this weekend at the Big Sandy Superstore Arena. I went at about 10:00 this morning. I didn't have long to look, because, I had to be at work at 12:00. While wandering around I encountered one of the members of the fiber guild selling yarn and roving. Her name is Cindy Bolt, and she dyes the most gorgeous yarns. I have been coveting a cotton/rayon mix for a tank-top for months. It is called 'Grass and Violets.
And today when I told Cindy this, she said she could put it on layaway. So, four payments in four months and I will get my yarn just in time to make a summer tank-top. If not for the fact I was in public, I would have been doing the happy knitter dance ;-).
Well, that is a good long post, so as a parting gift, I will post one more picture. It was a happy accident from fiddling with my digital camera.
Not bad, huh? I was fooling with the various setting. There are options for background and nighttime pictures. I took three, but they were all blurry or to dark. I set my camera on top of my truck, which is a light blue in color and got the reflection as pure coincidence. Looks like water, doesn't it? I now have this as the background on my computer.
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