Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Wow, I didn't realize that I had not posted for almost three months. I really need to work on this thing more. So, time for a quick bit of catchup. My Demeter Camisole is finished and fits great. I would post pictures, but I am not on my computer, so those will have to wait. I ended up having a bit of good luck with out meaning to. The pattern read that after the waist decreasing, you were then supposed to increase one row, then knit six plain rows. For some reason, my brain decided to follow the directions for 5 repeats and then begin to knit the increase row and then knit 10 plain rows. I had just finished the increases when I realized what I had done and decided against frogging. It turns out that if I had follow the pattern the way it was written, it would not have fit in the bust.

The toddler socks are not only finished, but I decided to knit mates for them as well. I gave them to my brother and sister-in-law for my niece, Kira. The designer that published the first taat socks has now developed taat toe-up socks, so there will soon be more toddler socks for my niece.

Last Sunday, I decided to check to see how much money I would be offered for tuition for the 2010-2011 school year. I know better that to list the full amount online, but it will be enough to pay my tuition, rent an apartment and pay off one of my other loans! So, today, I went and spoke to the representative of one of the nicer apartment complexes in the area. They have some very nice one bedroom apartments, an exercise room, laundry on site, allow pets, and offer cable at a greatly reduced rate. Also, I would only have to pay the electric bill, all the other utilities are taken care of. There is off the street parking, and the local bus service runs nearby. So, I will definitely be looking forward to living there come fall.

So, the rest of the day before going to work was checking out some of the local furniture places. I think it is about time to get a new bed and mattress. I have had the same ones for about 10 years now and the the bed is a real pain to put together. I would also like a bigger bed, the one I have is a twin. I saw a very nice queen sized bed for $399.99 at Value City Furniture. I could also get the matching dresser and mirror for $999.99, but am debating that. I thought about also getting a new couch and chair, bu realized that I could easily (and much more cheaply) spruce up the old ones with some slipcovers.

I have decided to make knitting for the Sweater Odyssey much easier by knitting a memory shawl out of the little odd balls that have accumulated in my stash. At last measurement, it was just over 7in long. I am shooting for twenty by the end of the month. I am also working on a new pair of socks for the Great Sock-Off of 2010. I have done much better this year than last. This pair is a pair of basic socks in Paton's Kroy Socks Jacquard, in colorway Fern Rose. Paton's has put out some nice new Jacquard colorways recently.

That is all I can think of for now, so talk at you later.

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